Category: Episodes

  • Episode 81: The Rumpus Revolution!

    Join the Revolution!

    Apparently you can be sued for pirating a movie by the recording industry, even if you don’t own a computer or internet access – a retired woman in Germany found this out the hard way. We talk about SOPA and a workaround that could be used if SOPA is enacted. Universal Music Group shows their hand when they take down a video from Youtube that puts them in a bad light.

    Ever heard an explanation of Star Wars in broken English?  This week’s “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!” shows us what that sounds like.

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  • Episode 80: I Used to be a Podcaster Like You Then I Took an Arrow in the Knee

    A new beer cooler prevents unwanted photos.  The WtR crew takes a stance on Duckface.  Is the TSA on its way out the door?  The fate of WebOS is finally decided.  Internet censorship?  We say no thanks!  Siri is Apple’s broken promise to the world.  The Rick Perry campaign is apparently not very Internet savvy.  Someone may or may not take an arrow to the knee.

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  • Episode 79: The Stinkiest Chamber Pot on the Internet

    A Taiwanese man sues two people after one of them clicks the Facebook “like” button for a post the other made.  A pron video was accidentally played on an LED billboard in Wenzhou, China.  Google Maps plans to start charging for usage.  Amazon Prime members will be able to borrow Kindle books for free in the near future.  Giant Lego man washes ashore in Sarasota.  Plus, Science News and an Epic Fail!

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  • Episode 78: Outtake With a Grain of Salt

    Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, this weeks episode is replaced with an outake episode.  Enjoy!

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  • Episode 77: Wonderbread

    10 things only bad managers say.  The creator of Unix and C died at the age of 70.  Siri says some weird things.  A computer virus hits the US Predator and Reaper drone fleets.  Netflix kills Qwikster.  The bassist from Weezer predicted his own death.  In the vein of the Likeable Consitution, there is now a Likeable Bible.  Plus, an Epic Fail and an “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

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  • Episode 76: Never go Siri to Mouth

    Steve Jobs dead at 56.  Siri means something completely different in Japan.  PassMyWill allows you to send your passwords to your loved ones posthumously.  A theater professor’s Firefly poster deemed threatening by campus public safety.  Make your own speed vest to show motorists how fast you’re going. is a new service that will pose as your girlfriend.  Psystar loses its appeal in Apple lawsuit.  Plus, this week’s Epic Fail!

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  • Episode 75: The Internet’s Dumping Ground

    OnStar begins spying on customers’ GPS location for profit.  Okite is an iPhone alarm clock app that sends an embarassing tweet every time you hit the snooze button.  The Onion’s joke about “screams and gunfire” coming from inside Congress backfires.  There is a new danger for urban cyclists: Biker’s Lung.  Iran blocks TOR, TOR unblocks itself later that day.  The movie industry’s self-piract proves that IP addresses aren’t people.  Gordon Ramsey’s porn dwarf double has been eaten by a badger.  Will alcohol be available in a theater near you soon?  Also, Science News and “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”  Plus the re-emergence of the Fark Headline of the Week.

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  • Episode 74: Peepoo’d on the Floor

    Did Netflix’s price hike kill their business?  Nope!  Chuck Testa!  The U.S. Constitution is now available in a Facebook-likeable format.  An unfortunate typo causes the hero of a romance novel to have an “accident” on his lovers floor.  Heard of the bleeoo project?  It’s an oral history of modems.  The Peepoo is a personal, single-use, self-sanitising, fully biodegradable toilet that prevents feces from contaminating the immediate area as well as the surrounding ecosystem.  Rent out your toilet to strangers using Cloo’.  Buddhist monks destroy a Muslim shrine in Sri Lanka.  Indie devs upload their own games to the Pirate Bay.  Judge rules that employees can’t be fired for Facebook complaints.  Obama admin wants hackers charged as mobsters.  Plus, Science News for the week.

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  • Episode 73: Sex Lemonade

    FEMA determines how bad a hurricane is by checking if the local Waffle House is open.  Listen in to find out how to determine how old your globe is.  Domino’s plans to open a pizza joint on the moon.  A company has devised a “green” way to dispose of human remains by liquifying the corpse.  Germany introduces “prostitute meters” to collect taxes.  The German ban on Doom has finally been lifted.  The Pirate Bay founders go legit with BayFiles.  Plus, a Recent Study, an Epic Fail, and “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

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  • Episode 72: Overextending the Metaphor

    We explain how to use an RJ-45 keychain amd a wall dock to never misplace your keys again.  A man uses Portal 2 as an engine to propose to his girlfriend.  Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple, nothing changes. IBM builds a data drive that can back up the entire Web 60 times.  Donnie and Mark Wahlberg plan to open Wahlburger’s Burger Joint.  Google Street View team takes on the Amazon River.  Listen in to find out the 10 scariest hacks exposed at Black Hat and Defcon.  Fox delays Hulu availability, piracy surges.  CmdrTaco resigns from Slashdot.  All this and an Epic Fail, some Science News, and an “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

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