
  • Episode 110: Taxidermification, Jetpacks, and Designated Picnic Table Drivers

    Mark Zuckerberg reportedly forcing Facebook’s Android team to use app and see how bad it is.  How Hollywood Is Encouraging Online Piracy.  WikiWeapons: 3D printed guns for everyone.  The White House open-sourced their petition software on GitHub. Drunk Driver Caught on Motorized Picnic Table. Servers Ultimate Turns Your Old Android Phone Into a Tiny, Multipurpose Server.  Bullied NY Woman Sets up Anti-Bullying Foundation.  Melky Cabrera’s fake website.  Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, is Dead.  Dropbox Rolls Out Two-Step Verification.  All this, plus Science News, Epic Fail, and Oh Asia you so Crazy!

    Show notes available at

  • Episode 109: Loose Poopy is Best Poopy

    The Oatmeal is raising funds for the Tesla museum at Wardenclyffe.  Wikileaks reveals “TrapWire,” a government spy network that uses ordinary surveillance cameras.  Putting an end to the biggest lie on the internet.  Garry Kasparov Arrested and Beaten at Pussy Riot Sentencing.  Pixar open sources production animation code, patents.  iAMScientist Looks To Crowdfund Scientific Research.  Insane Clown Posse To Sue FBI Over Gang Designation.  Buying Twitter followers is sinful, says SAUDI CLERIC.  FTC Censures Facebook, Then Asks You to Like It on Facebook.  Blurred Eyeglasses Unveiled To Help Israeli Ultra-Orthodox Avoid Impure Sights.

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  • Episode 108: Wearing a Lab Coat and Space Goggles

    Peter Schiff Opens Hard-Money Bank. Iran Is Quitting the Internet Because It’s Afraid of America.  Curiosity landing removed from YouTube after bogus copyright claim by Scripps.  The Internet Archive Starts Seeding Over a Million Torrents.  MCA’s Will Bars Use of Beastie Boys Songs to Sell Crap.  Ukraine Officials Shut Down Demonoid to Impress the US Government.  French illegal downloads agency Hadopi may be abolished.  Best Buy Founder Makes $8.5 Billion Bid To Take Company Private.  Facebook Is Trying Online Gambling.  Rest in peace SCO (finally).  Ustream Outperformed Cable News During Curiosity Landing


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  • Episode 107: For Shame, NBC Olympics, For Shame!

    Digg relaunches as a general news site. ‘Dr. Horrible’ gets CW premiere date. Facebook Wants to Be Your Instapaper Now, Too.  Twitter does something really, really, really stupid – will they fix it?  FCC Tells Verizon It Can’t Force You To Pay $20 For Tethering Anymore. New Bill Nye The Science Guy Show Coming To YouTube.  Why Apple TV Just Became Apple’s Most Important Product.  We Need An FDA for Computers.  Student disciplined for improving campus course-selection system.  Google Fiber gains over 3,900 pre-registrations, more than 20% of ‘fiberhoods’ clear rally hurdles in first two days.  All this, plus this week’s Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

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  • Episode 106: Sushi Erotica

    Is a Computer Worm Causing Iranian Nuclear Facilities to Blast AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ At Night?  Local residents deal with phantom garage door opener.  New Orleans music legend stands at own wake.  Buzzfeed retorts comedically to a McSweeney’s parody of their site.  A Hacker publishes how to open millions of hotel rooms with arduino in less than a second.  Apple throws $356 million at making Its security better… or did they?  How to expeditiously watch Battlestar Galactica.  An arcade operator admits that, yes, those crane games are really rigged.  New toilet paper dispenser improves hygiene and conservation.  Why Valve wants to port games to Linux: Because Windows 8 Is a Catastrophe.  All this, plus Dumbass Apple News and Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at

  • Episode 105: The Sexy Episode

    Penny Arcade sells out.  Facebook continues plans to become the creepiest social network ever.  Digg bought for $500k.  Is the QWERTY keyboard near its end?  A Christian bookstore markets the biggest ripoff in the history of tablet computing.  AMC gives Dish network a proper slap in the face.  A member of European Parliament unintentionally leaks the emails of everybody who fought against ACTA.  Mitt Romney breaks the Facebook rules.  Plus Science News and Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at


  • Episode 104: Carter Beauford has Two Arms

    The Internet declares it’s freedom.  Def Leppard is re-recording it’s entire back catalogue to screw Universal.  A German university is suing one of its former students over early graduation.  Will the ubiquitous Gideon bible be replaced by a Kindle?  Windows 8 upgrade priced at only $39.99.  The porn industry is positioning itself to be a very natural bedfellow to Google’s Project Glass.  Want to leak the goings-on in that staff meeting to the world outside with some style?  Use a transparency grenade!  Cisco locks it’s own customers out of using their own routers until they agree to use a service that will spy on their Internet usage.  Blizzard drops the banhammer on Linux users, because using Linux is cheating in Diablo III.  A New Jersey court says it’s not illegal to look at someone elses email if they forget to log out before they leave the computer.

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  • Episode 103: Liking Something Makes You Hate It

    Facebook decides your email address for you.  An Olympic dead heat finish stumps high speed cameras.  Scientists crack RSA’s SecureID 800.  Other scientists plan to hack Stephen Hawking’s brain.  Apple no longer claims to be immune to viruses.  Is Google Plus a ghost town or a developing company town.  Orbitz gives higher priced hotel rooms preference for Mac Users.  A publisher intends to make books using disappearing ink, to force people to read them quicker.  Homeless Mo is a new internet star.  A new task completion service opens in the New York City area.  A new website allows you to argue with politically opposed people on the phone.  The Nexus Q has been hacked to run Android games within 24 hours.  All t hat, plus Dumbass Apple News, a Recent Study, an Epic Fail!, and an Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

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  • Episode 102: Petaflops is a Dirty Word

    Charles Carreon sues everybody.  Learn a language for free with Duolingo.  An NYU student develops the best robot ever.  An old lady gets her retirement paid for by the Internet.  US regains title of best supercomputer in the world.  The Unity 4 3D engine will natively support Linux.  Apple is stealing ANdroid people with the cunning use of AirPlay.  Twitter rolls out expanded tweets.  A malware author taunts security researchers using built-in chat.  All this and a recent study and an Oh Asia You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at


  • Episode 101: Crash Proof Tomato

    Funnyjunk threatens The Oatmeal, Facebook’s CTO leaves 1 month after the IPO, Darth Vader robs a bank and gets away on a sweet BMX.  Researchers are taking a new approach to designing unmanned drones.  The creator of XML suggests a new HTTP error code.  ICANN reveals the requests for new generic top level domain names.  Bitcoins receiving a great deal of legitimacy in light of the Euro Zone crisis.  Reddit to ban links to big name sites over spamming violations.  A decade-long Civ 2 game mired in a 1700 year-long nuclear war.  Plus, this week’s Science News and Dumbass Apple News.

    Show notes available at