• Episode 105: The Sexy Episode

    Penny Arcade sells out.  Facebook continues plans to become the creepiest social network ever.  Digg bought for $500k.  Is the QWERTY keyboard near its end?  A Christian bookstore markets the biggest ripoff in the history of tablet computing.  AMC gives Dish network a proper slap in the face.  A member of European Parliament unintentionally leaks the emails of everybody who fought against ACTA.  Mitt Romney breaks the Facebook rules.  Plus Science News and Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/105


  • Episode 84: Comcast Totally Sucks

    Two weeks until BasementCast 3! Adrian is working on getting the live cast working for it so if you can’t be with us in person, you can be there via the Internet.

    This week, our fine and well-pedigreed hosts discuss SOPA’s big brother ACTA, 3D printing, a new free college, gnu (and blowjob) scanners, Super-WIFI, and the magic-eye watch.

    Sega introduces a crazy new gaming device in Japan which is So Crazy. A would-be adventurer tries to follow in Bear Gryles footsteps (guess how that ends?). Listen to this episode to find out where in P-space Pac-Man falls.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/84