Tag: Censorship

  • Episode 121: Pirate Planet Captain

    Proposed law scheduled for a vote next week originally increased Americans’ e-mail privacy. Then law enforcement complained. Now it increases government access to e-mail and other digital files.  Nudifier: Turn Any Photo Into a Hilarious Censored Nude.  WordPress To Accept Bitcoins.  Congresswoman asks Reddit community to help write bill targeted at bogus copyright takedowns.  Microsoft’s New Data Center Will Be Fueled by Poop.  Google Glass Could Be the Virtual Dieting Pill of the Future.  Security researcher found guilty of conspiracy and identity fraud in ‘hackless’ AT&T iPad hack.  Probable Rogue Planet Spotted.  Copyright Troll Links to TorrentFreak, Antics Ensue.  Valve’s Big Picture Could Be a Linux Game Console.  Nanoparticles Stop Multiple Sclerosis In Mice.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/121

  • Episode 84: Comcast Totally Sucks

    Two weeks until BasementCast 3! Adrian is working on getting the live cast working for it so if you can’t be with us in person, you can be there via the Internet.

    This week, our fine and well-pedigreed hosts discuss SOPA’s big brother ACTA, 3D printing, a new free college, gnu (and blowjob) scanners, Super-WIFI, and the magic-eye watch.

    Sega introduces a crazy new gaming device in Japan which is So Crazy. A would-be adventurer tries to follow in Bear Gryles footsteps (guess how that ends?). Listen to this episode to find out where in P-space Pac-Man falls.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/84

  • Episode 79: The Stinkiest Chamber Pot on the Internet

    A Taiwanese man sues two people after one of them clicks the Facebook “like” button for a post the other made.  A pron video was accidentally played on an LED billboard in Wenzhou, China.  Google Maps plans to start charging for usage.  Amazon Prime members will be able to borrow Kindle books for free in the near future.  Giant Lego man washes ashore in Sarasota.  Plus, Science News and an Epic Fail!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/79

  • Episode 27: Super Podcast

    Sony puts a quad-SSD RAID 0 in a laptop.  We discuss Conan O’Brien’s last episode on NBC.  Microsoft confirms a 17 year old Windows vulnerability.  The Nexus One censors your voice-to-text input.  Spike Jonze released a short film about robot love.  Garmin Voice Studio lets you create custom voices for your GPS device.  Star Wars Galaxies shuts down 12 servers.  All this and the Fark Headline of the Week and the Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/27

  • Episode 19: We’re on the Torture Soundtrack!

    Arnold Schwarzenegger sends a secret message to the California Congress.  A sad day for geeks: Jolt Cola is ceasing production.  We talk about the “Yo Dawg” meme.  China accuses Google of unfair censorship (ironic much?).  Blackberry phones get eavesdropping software.  Musicians call for a release of the torture soundtrack details.  DARPA is researching putting the Internet into orbit.  Walmart is competing with Best Buy’s Geek Squad in terms of in-home installation.  All this plus Fark Headline of the Week and Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/19