Tag: Congress

  • Episode 121: Pirate Planet Captain

    Proposed law scheduled for a vote next week originally increased Americans’ e-mail privacy. Then law enforcement complained. Now it increases government access to e-mail and other digital files.  Nudifier: Turn Any Photo Into a Hilarious Censored Nude.  WordPress To Accept Bitcoins.  Congresswoman asks Reddit community to help write bill targeted at bogus copyright takedowns.  Microsoft’s New Data Center Will Be Fueled by Poop.  Google Glass Could Be the Virtual Dieting Pill of the Future.  Security researcher found guilty of conspiracy and identity fraud in ‘hackless’ AT&T iPad hack.  Probable Rogue Planet Spotted.  Copyright Troll Links to TorrentFreak, Antics Ensue.  Valve’s Big Picture Could Be a Linux Game Console.  Nanoparticles Stop Multiple Sclerosis In Mice.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/121

  • Episode 92: That’s a Whole Lotta Fappin’

    Facebook fights back against nosy employers. UK student extradited to the US for “pirating.” Congress wants your TSA stories. DoD networks are completely compromised. NetZero offers free 4G data. What do neutrinos and satellites have in common? Listen in to find out! Plus, a Recent Study, an Epic Fail, Oh Asia You So Crazy, and Ryder says Things!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/92

  • Episode 90: We Have a PhD in Plundering

    LulzSecs leader has been arrested, is this the end for the notorious group?  More and more employers and colleges are demanding you give them your Facebook password.  Reddit forms a PAC to oust Lamar Smith from office, and Mediawiki transfers all their domains away from GoDaddy.  Crowdfunding insvestors is moving closer to Congressional approval.  Warner has a “quick and easy” way for you to rip your DVDs into DRMed digital media that is neither quick nor easy.  NBC will livestream the 2012 Olympics in its entirity for free.  MIT offers a certificate in piracy.  The U.S. government deems that if your domain is a .com, they have jurisdiction to seize it.  The Washington Post hires CmdrTaco of Slashdot fame.  Flying swarms of robots may start to provide WiFi to protestors and activists.  All this, plus a Recent Study, this week’s “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”, and another installment of Ryder Says Things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/90

  • Episode 75: The Internet’s Dumping Ground

    OnStar begins spying on customers’ GPS location for profit.  Okite is an iPhone alarm clock app that sends an embarassing tweet every time you hit the snooze button.  The Onion’s joke about “screams and gunfire” coming from inside Congress backfires.  There is a new danger for urban cyclists: Biker’s Lung.  Iran blocks TOR, TOR unblocks itself later that day.  The movie industry’s self-piract proves that IP addresses aren’t people.  Gordon Ramsey’s porn dwarf double has been eaten by a badger.  Will alcohol be available in a theater near you soon?  Also, Science News and “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”  Plus the re-emergence of the Fark Headline of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/75