Tag: DHS

  • Episode 120: Jesus Turns Water into Whisky

    Razer products now comes with spyware, uses Internet all the time, stop working when the connection drops.  How a Reddit Rage Comic Saved a Man’s Life.  Microsoft Has Software that will translate your speech into a different language, in your own voice.  The Whisky Sampler Advent Calendar.  Amazon Donates 2,000 Kindles To Wounded Veterans.  New Jersey will let citizens displaced by Hurricane Sandy vote by email or fax.  Copyright-Infringing Tweets Will Now Be “Withdrawn” Instead of “Disappeared Forever.”  CBS finally embraces Hulu, signs licensing agreement for over 2,600 episodes.  Towers Of Vegetables Go Up As Singapore Builds First Vertical Farm.  DHS-FBI Bulletin: Indicators of Suspicious Behaviors at Hotels.  All this plus this week’s Oh Asia You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/120

  • Episode 100: Gizmodo.com is a Douchebag

    The Department of Homeland Security detains a software developer because of his product.  A Sci-Fi staple is no more.  North Korea figures out a cunning way to distribute malware.  Gizmodo wants you to do their dirty work for them.  A cross platform HTML5 game has finally been released.  Steam to be released on Linux this year.  Who will history remember – Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?  Plus, this week’s Epic Fail and Oh Asia, Your So Crazy!

    Show notes available at” http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/100

  • Episode 98: All Hail Techno Viking!

    Hulu is designing a new model that will require you to already be a cable subscriber to view their content.  Seattle’s first SUpervillain threatens Seattle’s existing superhero population.  Microsoft dropping DVD/Blu-ray support for Windows 8.  NY Judge rules that IP addresses are not sufficient evidence to identify copyright infringers.  A new smartphone app allows you to register a complaint against the TSA as soon as it happens.  A bug in new Samsung TVs causes them to restart in an endless loop.  A Mexican ad company deploys a machine that trades dog droppings for free WiFi.  The Listserve is a new mailing list where one subscriber per day is randomly selected to send a personal essay to the list each day. Symantec says religious websites are more prone to malware insertion than porn sites.  Venus will make a once-in-a-lifetime appearance next month.  All this plus an Epic Fail, Recent Study, Dumbass Apple News, and Oh Asia You So Crazy!  Plus Ryder says things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/98