Tag: Epic Fail

  • Episode 89: Drunk on Champagne and Weird Bread

    Find out how Futurama’s Bender became the head of the Washington D.C. School Board. A Frenchman sues Google. Are Railgun’s close to being a reality? The Chinese public wreck Google Plus for the rest of us. Facebook is spying on us. Go grocery shopping with a cart that follows you around. All this, plus an Epic Fail, Oh Asia You So Crazy, and a Recent Study. Plus, we introduce a new segment: Ryder Says Things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/89

  • Episode 88: Erlenmeyer Flask Shaped Dinosaur Dong

    HUD glasses, self-sanitizing water bottles, and 3D robot dinosaurs, oh my! We discuss these topics, plus is there a Kickstarter for Porn? All this, plus this week’s Epic Fail, Oh Asia You So Crazy, a Recent Study, and the Question of the Week makes a triumphant return!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/88

  • Episode 84: Comcast Totally Sucks

    Two weeks until BasementCast 3! Adrian is working on getting the live cast working for it so if you can’t be with us in person, you can be there via the Internet.

    This week, our fine and well-pedigreed hosts discuss SOPA’s big brother ACTA, 3D printing, a new free college, gnu (and blowjob) scanners, Super-WIFI, and the magic-eye watch.

    Sega introduces a crazy new gaming device in Japan which is So Crazy. A would-be adventurer tries to follow in Bear Gryles footsteps (guess how that ends?). Listen to this episode to find out where in P-space Pac-Man falls.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/84

  • Episode 79: The Stinkiest Chamber Pot on the Internet

    A Taiwanese man sues two people after one of them clicks the Facebook “like” button for a post the other made.  A pron video was accidentally played on an LED billboard in Wenzhou, China.  Google Maps plans to start charging for usage.  Amazon Prime members will be able to borrow Kindle books for free in the near future.  Giant Lego man washes ashore in Sarasota.  Plus, Science News and an Epic Fail!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/79

  • Episode 77: Wonderbread

    10 things only bad managers say.  The creator of Unix and C died at the age of 70.  Siri says some weird things.  A computer virus hits the US Predator and Reaper drone fleets.  Netflix kills Qwikster.  The bassist from Weezer predicted his own death.  In the vein of the Likeable Consitution, there is now a Likeable Bible.  Plus, an Epic Fail and an “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/77

  • Episode 76: Never go Siri to Mouth

    Steve Jobs dead at 56.  Siri means something completely different in Japan.  PassMyWill allows you to send your passwords to your loved ones posthumously.  A theater professor’s Firefly poster deemed threatening by campus public safety.  Make your own speed vest to show motorists how fast you’re going.  Fakegirlfriend.co is a new service that will pose as your girlfriend.  Psystar loses its appeal in Apple lawsuit.  Plus, this week’s Epic Fail!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/76

  • Episode 73: Sex Lemonade

    FEMA determines how bad a hurricane is by checking if the local Waffle House is open.  Listen in to find out how to determine how old your globe is.  Domino’s plans to open a pizza joint on the moon.  A company has devised a “green” way to dispose of human remains by liquifying the corpse.  Germany introduces “prostitute meters” to collect taxes.  The German ban on Doom has finally been lifted.  The Pirate Bay founders go legit with BayFiles.  Plus, a Recent Study, an Epic Fail, and “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/73

  • Episode 72: Overextending the Metaphor

    We explain how to use an RJ-45 keychain amd a wall dock to never misplace your keys again.  A man uses Portal 2 as an engine to propose to his girlfriend.  Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple, nothing changes. IBM builds a data drive that can back up the entire Web 60 times.  Donnie and Mark Wahlberg plan to open Wahlburger’s Burger Joint.  Google Street View team takes on the Amazon River.  Listen in to find out the 10 scariest hacks exposed at Black Hat and Defcon.  Fox delays Hulu availability, piracy surges.  CmdrTaco resigns from Slashdot.  All this and an Epic Fail, some Science News, and an “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/72