Tag: fail

  • Episode 114: Map App

    xkcd’s 13-Gigapixel Webcomic. IOS6 maps fail so hard, a Tumblr is born.  Open-Dyslexic is a new open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia.  ‘Gangnam Style’ breaks Guinness World Record for most YouTube likes.  Richard Branson hopes to send hundreds of thousands of people into suborbital space in next 20 years, and start a colony on Mars in his lifetime.  Rackspace sued for hosting GitHub.  Former Reddit programmer hit with 9 more felony charges in MIT hacking case.  Syrian Rebels Hack Together Digital Cameras To Replace Machine Gun Scopes.  Kickstarter bans product renderings, requires project owners to be open about risk.  Hotmail: Your password was too long, so we fixed it for you.  All this plus this week’s Science News, Epic Fail, and Oh Asia You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/114

  • Fail of the Week: Police Pepper Spray Unruly 8 Year Old At School

    In Lakewood, CO. an 8 year old was pepper sprayed by local police when they were called to the school to handle the unruly boy.

    It’s one of those incidents that makes you double take and say “LOL WUT?” and to be honest, after reading the article, I’m not sure who failed worse: the police or the kid.

    I know what you’re thinking: The teachers should have been able to handle an unruly kid.  However, the kid was throwing the a tantrum worthy of Dust Head Hall of Fame.  According to reports, the kid was climbing on teacher carts, spitting and cursing at teachers, and ripped molding of the walls and attempted to stake anybody who came near him.  When approached by the officers he brandished a sharpened stick and yelled “get away from me you fuckers!”

    Still not convinced this kid is a whack job?  How about if I told you this was the third time the police had been called to the school about his behavior?

    The police fail because they had to use pepper spray on a kid, the kid fails because he’s a dust head without the PCP, he experts fail because they’re blaming TV and video game violence, the mom fails because she thinks the cops were being fascist, and the state of Colorado fails for containing all of the above.

    Police Pepper Spray Unruly 8 Year Old At School from The Consumerist

  • Episode 28: Cool Story Bro

    Come hang out with us a BasementCast next week!  We’ll be recording live in the basement of 1201 College Ave, Houghton, MI.  See our Facebook page for details.

    Stealing Youtube videos, stealing on BitTorrent, stealing from EVERYBODY!  The iPad has been announced and we discuss why it sucks and what it could be good for.  Steve Jobs lashes out at Google.  Boxee is releasing a one-click payment platform.  Who beat out Google to be the number 1 employer in the U.S.  Meet Giant George, the 7-foot long great dane.  Infrared cameras are now being used to determined the tastiness of beef.  All this and the Fark Headline of the Week and the Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/28