Tag: Google Maps

  • Episode 119: Sorry, Link, your Wii U is in another Hurricane

    NetFlix Caught Stealing DivX Subtiles From Finnish Pirates.  Dude open sourced his DNA!  AMBER Alerts Show Up In Google Maps Now.  Kindle user claims Amazon deleted whole library without explanation.  Yahoo Will Ignore IE 10’s “Do Not Track”.  Wikipedia Is Nearing “Completion”.  Hurricane Sandy Makes Only Person in Line for Wii U Leave.  EFF And Others Push For Open Wifi APs Everywhere.  Glow-In-The-Dark Smart Highways Coming To the Netherlands In 2013.  EFF Wants Ubuntu To Disable Online Search By Default.  Mice Genetically Engineered To Detect Explosives 500 Times Better Than Normal Mice.  Tokyo’s Super Cool Zombie Café for Halloween.

    Show notes available at http://wiki/whatstherumpuspodcast.com/119

  • Episode 79: The Stinkiest Chamber Pot on the Internet

    A Taiwanese man sues two people after one of them clicks the Facebook “like” button for a post the other made.  A pron video was accidentally played on an LED billboard in Wenzhou, China.  Google Maps plans to start charging for usage.  Amazon Prime members will be able to borrow Kindle books for free in the near future.  Giant Lego man washes ashore in Sarasota.  Plus, Science News and an Epic Fail!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/79