Tag: iOS

  • Episode 114: Map App

    xkcd’s 13-Gigapixel Webcomic. IOS6 maps fail so hard, a Tumblr is born.  Open-Dyslexic is a new open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia.  ‘Gangnam Style’ breaks Guinness World Record for most YouTube likes.  Richard Branson hopes to send hundreds of thousands of people into suborbital space in next 20 years, and start a colony on Mars in his lifetime.  Rackspace sued for hosting GitHub.  Former Reddit programmer hit with 9 more felony charges in MIT hacking case.  Syrian Rebels Hack Together Digital Cameras To Replace Machine Gun Scopes.  Kickstarter bans product renderings, requires project owners to be open about risk.  Hotmail: Your password was too long, so we fixed it for you.  All this plus this week’s Science News, Epic Fail, and Oh Asia You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/114

  • Episode 103: Liking Something Makes You Hate It

    Facebook decides your email address for you.  An Olympic dead heat finish stumps high speed cameras.  Scientists crack RSA’s SecureID 800.  Other scientists plan to hack Stephen Hawking’s brain.  Apple no longer claims to be immune to viruses.  Is Google Plus a ghost town or a developing company town.  Orbitz gives higher priced hotel rooms preference for Mac Users.  A publisher intends to make books using disappearing ink, to force people to read them quicker.  Homeless Mo is a new internet star.  A new task completion service opens in the New York City area.  A new website allows you to argue with politically opposed people on the phone.  The Nexus Q has been hacked to run Android games within 24 hours.  All t hat, plus Dumbass Apple News, a Recent Study, an Epic Fail!, and an Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/103

  • Episode 75: The Internet’s Dumping Ground

    OnStar begins spying on customers’ GPS location for profit.  Okite is an iPhone alarm clock app that sends an embarassing tweet every time you hit the snooze button.  The Onion’s joke about “screams and gunfire” coming from inside Congress backfires.  There is a new danger for urban cyclists: Biker’s Lung.  Iran blocks TOR, TOR unblocks itself later that day.  The movie industry’s self-piract proves that IP addresses aren’t people.  Gordon Ramsey’s porn dwarf double has been eaten by a badger.  Will alcohol be available in a theater near you soon?  Also, Science News and “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”  Plus the re-emergence of the Fark Headline of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/75