Tag: piracy

  • Episode 110: Taxidermification, Jetpacks, and Designated Picnic Table Drivers

    Mark Zuckerberg reportedly forcing Facebook’s Android team to use app and see how bad it is.  How Hollywood Is Encouraging Online Piracy.  WikiWeapons: 3D printed guns for everyone.  The White House open-sourced their petition software on GitHub. Drunk Driver Caught on Motorized Picnic Table. Servers Ultimate Turns Your Old Android Phone Into a Tiny, Multipurpose Server.  Bullied NY Woman Sets up Anti-Bullying Foundation.  Melky Cabrera’s fake website.  Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, is Dead.  Dropbox Rolls Out Two-Step Verification.  All this, plus Science News, Epic Fail, and Oh Asia you so Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/110

  • Episode 90: We Have a PhD in Plundering

    LulzSecs leader has been arrested, is this the end for the notorious group?  More and more employers and colleges are demanding you give them your Facebook password.  Reddit forms a PAC to oust Lamar Smith from office, and Mediawiki transfers all their domains away from GoDaddy.  Crowdfunding insvestors is moving closer to Congressional approval.  Warner has a “quick and easy” way for you to rip your DVDs into DRMed digital media that is neither quick nor easy.  NBC will livestream the 2012 Olympics in its entirity for free.  MIT offers a certificate in piracy.  The U.S. government deems that if your domain is a .com, they have jurisdiction to seize it.  The Washington Post hires CmdrTaco of Slashdot fame.  Flying swarms of robots may start to provide WiFi to protestors and activists.  All this, plus a Recent Study, this week’s “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”, and another installment of Ryder Says Things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/90

  • Episode 72: Overextending the Metaphor

    We explain how to use an RJ-45 keychain amd a wall dock to never misplace your keys again.  A man uses Portal 2 as an engine to propose to his girlfriend.  Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple, nothing changes. IBM builds a data drive that can back up the entire Web 60 times.  Donnie and Mark Wahlberg plan to open Wahlburger’s Burger Joint.  Google Street View team takes on the Amazon River.  Listen in to find out the 10 scariest hacks exposed at Black Hat and Defcon.  Fox delays Hulu availability, piracy surges.  CmdrTaco resigns from Slashdot.  All this and an Epic Fail, some Science News, and an “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/72

  • Episode 48: Yourythmics

    This week concludes the Viacom v Google case, so we discuss digital media and copyright on the Internet.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/48

  • Episode 42: Pumps and a Bump

    Third grader busted for Jolly Rancher possession.  A keyhole has been designed with drunk people in mind.  Turn your juice into booze in 48 hours.  RAM turns 56 this week.  Mick Jagger talks about downloading and piracy.  Canadian Club resparks a 20 year old marketing campaign which is a worldwide treasure hunt for cases of their whiskey.  That and the Study of the Week, the Fark Headline of the Week, and this week’s Off-Air Discussion.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/42