Tag: Recent Studies


    Kim Dotcom: FBI can’t have Megaupload founder extradited without piracy evidence, NZ court rules.  Jimmy Wales threatens to encrypt Wikipedia if UK passes snooping bill.  Hacker steals $250k in Bitcoins from online exchange Bitfloor.  BitTorrent study finds most file-sharers are monitored.  Fox to Release Digital Movies Three Weeks Prior to Retail.  Bruce Willis Isn’t Suing Apple Over iTunes Music Ownership Rights.  Samsung flew bloggers halfway around the world and then threatened to leave them there if they didn’t cooperate.  Space Sugar Discovered In Binary System Star.  Are App.net’s Crowdfunders Being Taken For a Ride?  California To License Self-Driving Cars.  100% of publicly educated students in Estonia will learn how to code starting in the 1st grade.  All that and this week’s Recent Study and Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/112

    [edit] Recent Studies

    [edit] Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

  • Episode 109: Loose Poopy is Best Poopy

    The Oatmeal is raising funds for the Tesla museum at Wardenclyffe.  Wikileaks reveals “TrapWire,” a government spy network that uses ordinary surveillance cameras.  Putting an end to the biggest lie on the internet.  Garry Kasparov Arrested and Beaten at Pussy Riot Sentencing.  Pixar open sources production animation code, patents.  iAMScientist Looks To Crowdfund Scientific Research.  Insane Clown Posse To Sue FBI Over Gang Designation.  Buying Twitter followers is sinful, says SAUDI CLERIC.  FTC Censures Facebook, Then Asks You to Like It on Facebook.  Blurred Eyeglasses Unveiled To Help Israeli Ultra-Orthodox Avoid Impure Sights.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/109

  • Episode 103: Liking Something Makes You Hate It

    Facebook decides your email address for you.  An Olympic dead heat finish stumps high speed cameras.  Scientists crack RSA’s SecureID 800.  Other scientists plan to hack Stephen Hawking’s brain.  Apple no longer claims to be immune to viruses.  Is Google Plus a ghost town or a developing company town.  Orbitz gives higher priced hotel rooms preference for Mac Users.  A publisher intends to make books using disappearing ink, to force people to read them quicker.  Homeless Mo is a new internet star.  A new task completion service opens in the New York City area.  A new website allows you to argue with politically opposed people on the phone.  The Nexus Q has been hacked to run Android games within 24 hours.  All t hat, plus Dumbass Apple News, a Recent Study, an Epic Fail!, and an Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/103

  • Episode 102: Petaflops is a Dirty Word

    Charles Carreon sues everybody.  Learn a language for free with Duolingo.  An NYU student develops the best robot ever.  An old lady gets her retirement paid for by the Internet.  US regains title of best supercomputer in the world.  The Unity 4 3D engine will natively support Linux.  Apple is stealing ANdroid people with the cunning use of AirPlay.  Twitter rolls out expanded tweets.  A malware author taunts security researchers using built-in chat.  All this and a recent study and an Oh Asia You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/102


  • Episode 98: All Hail Techno Viking!

    Hulu is designing a new model that will require you to already be a cable subscriber to view their content.  Seattle’s first SUpervillain threatens Seattle’s existing superhero population.  Microsoft dropping DVD/Blu-ray support for Windows 8.  NY Judge rules that IP addresses are not sufficient evidence to identify copyright infringers.  A new smartphone app allows you to register a complaint against the TSA as soon as it happens.  A bug in new Samsung TVs causes them to restart in an endless loop.  A Mexican ad company deploys a machine that trades dog droppings for free WiFi.  The Listserve is a new mailing list where one subscriber per day is randomly selected to send a personal essay to the list each day. Symantec says religious websites are more prone to malware insertion than porn sites.  Venus will make a once-in-a-lifetime appearance next month.  All this plus an Epic Fail, Recent Study, Dumbass Apple News, and Oh Asia You So Crazy!  Plus Ryder says things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/98

  • Episode 95: The Superposition of Podcasting

    A new ISP that takes your privacy seriously.  Google launches “The Power of the Internet” campaign.  A study suggests that violent video games build cooperation and social skills, not violent tendencies.  Kidnap victim rescued with the power of Twitter.  NYC begins replacing pay phones with touch screen computers.  High scool juniors develop flavor strips for astronauts.  Facebook acquires Instagram for $1 billion.  All this and a Recent Study, Dumbass Apple News, an Epic Fail, and this week’s Oh Asia You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/96

  • Episode 94: Just the Good Ol’ Boys

    Viacom sues Youtube… AGAIN! Richard Clark shows his utter inability to grasp the fundamentals of the Internet.  Google finally shows us what augmented reality will look like.  The US Government uses the kiddie porn defense to keep the Megaupload Servers offline.  Dell acquires Wyse Technologies.  A Federal judge rules P2P users aren’t in a conspiracy.  Video game companies agree to close sex offenders’ online accounts.  Bravo announces a new “I can has Cheezburger” reality show.  Plus, Epic Fails, a Recent Study, Ryder Says Things and Oh Asia You So Crazy!  Also, tell us your ridiculous TSA stories!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/94

  • Episode 91: Back to Our Pimpin Ways

    The FBI can’t crack Android’s Pattern Lock. The Sanford Airport says no to the TSA. March Madness will be streamed to all of the Internet. Encyclopedia Britannica ceases production of encyclopedias. People are sending money to the RIAA and MPAA in droves, listen in to find out why. Homeless people in Austin, TX have become 4G hotspots for SXSW. Is your ISP spying on you? If they aren’t they will soon start! All this, and a Recent Study, a couple of Epic Fails, and an Oh Asia, You So Crazy!  Plus, Ryder says Things!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/91

  • Episode 89: Drunk on Champagne and Weird Bread

    Find out how Futurama’s Bender became the head of the Washington D.C. School Board. A Frenchman sues Google. Are Railgun’s close to being a reality? The Chinese public wreck Google Plus for the rest of us. Facebook is spying on us. Go grocery shopping with a cart that follows you around. All this, plus an Epic Fail, Oh Asia You So Crazy, and a Recent Study. Plus, we introduce a new segment: Ryder Says Things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/89

  • Episode 88: Erlenmeyer Flask Shaped Dinosaur Dong

    HUD glasses, self-sanitizing water bottles, and 3D robot dinosaurs, oh my! We discuss these topics, plus is there a Kickstarter for Porn? All this, plus this week’s Epic Fail, Oh Asia You So Crazy, a Recent Study, and the Question of the Week makes a triumphant return!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/88