Tag: robot

  • Episode 107: For Shame, NBC Olympics, For Shame!

    Digg relaunches as a general news site. ‘Dr. Horrible’ gets CW premiere date. Facebook Wants to Be Your Instapaper Now, Too.  Twitter does something really, really, really stupid – will they fix it?  FCC Tells Verizon It Can’t Force You To Pay $20 For Tethering Anymore. New Bill Nye The Science Guy Show Coming To YouTube.  Why Apple TV Just Became Apple’s Most Important Product.  We Need An FDA for Computers.  Student disciplined for improving campus course-selection system.  Google Fiber gains over 3,900 pre-registrations, more than 20% of ‘fiberhoods’ clear rally hurdles in first two days.  All this, plus this week’s Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/107

  • Episode 102: Petaflops is a Dirty Word

    Charles Carreon sues everybody.  Learn a language for free with Duolingo.  An NYU student develops the best robot ever.  An old lady gets her retirement paid for by the Internet.  US regains title of best supercomputer in the world.  The Unity 4 3D engine will natively support Linux.  Apple is stealing ANdroid people with the cunning use of AirPlay.  Twitter rolls out expanded tweets.  A malware author taunts security researchers using built-in chat.  All this and a recent study and an Oh Asia You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/102


  • Episode 87: Super Secret Breakfast Bacon Hut

    This week cancer robots have free range of Nevada highways, Pinterest makess money, EFF fights patents, and Google+ teaches you how to cook.  A fifth grader discovers a new molecule and Steve Jobs wins an award.   Tune in to find out what this week’s “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!” is and we’re bringing back an old segment!

  • Episode 58: Oh Japan, You So Crazy!

    A Chinese woman was sent to a labor camp for retweeting.  We discuss a new concept stoplight.  A little grils hand is cut off and grafted to her foot to save it.  The Stuxnet virus targeted ‘high-value Iranian assets.’  Wikipedia has raised the same amount of donations in a week that it took a month to raise in 2009.  Google is preparing to launch G-Town.  All this plus the Study of the Week and the debut of “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!” and the Fail of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/58

  • Episode 54: The Shit Show Re-Emergence

    Babies think a robot is human as long as it acts friendly.  Japan’s latest rockstar is a 3D hologram.  Marvel comics get Tron Legact varian covers.  Spain holds the first National Siesta Championship.  Hong Kong McDonald’s begins offering wedding packages.  We discuss the myth of the 12 year old McDonald’s hamburger.  Google Street View cars collected emails and passwords.  A japanese engineer built a kick ass robot to kill wasps in his lab.  China now has crab vending machines that vend LIVE crabs.  Warner Brothers wants an Inception sequel.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/54

  • Episode 18: A Whole Lotta Meat in my Mouth

    Hulu announces a pay model.  Scientists have developed a robot that can ski.  Red Hat addresses the Supreme Court on software patents.  There’s a new solar plant in Florida, it’s the largest in the U.S.  Somebody developed a working iPhone costume.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/18