Tag: school

  • Episode 111: Awesome-Flavored Ramen

    The Japanese invent a machine converts plastic back into oil.  Biodiesel From Sewage Sludge.  Kim Dotcom Declares War on Media With Bigger and Better MegaUpload.  California state legislature approves Location Privacy Act(via Phone Scoop).  World First Bionic Eye Implant Enables Blinds to Experience Some Vision.  Walmart Is Testing an iPhone Checkout System That Could Help You Escape Its Clutches a Little Bit Faster.  Wolfram|Alpha Personal Analytics for Facebook.  Obama answers live questions on Reddit, crashes servers.  School demands that boy must change his name from Hunter because it violates its weapons policy.  Twitter Launches “Twitter Certified Products” — Partners With DataSift, Gnip, HootSuite & Others.  All this, plus a Recent Study, Dumbass Apple News, Epic Fail, Oh Asia You So Crazy and Ryder Says Things!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/111

  • Episode 64: Basementcast 2011

    The Red Cross says nurse uniforms violate the Geneva Convention.  A memorial building in Indianapolis might be named after popular mayor Harry Baals.  Scientists plan on being able to clone woolly mammoths within five years.  A new game of billiards using bowling balls… named Knockers.  Stem cells are being used in a new device to treat burns.  Duane Reade infiltrates the Hipster Vatican with the promise of beer.  Four Loko launches its new product – it’s just like the old product sans caffeine.  Robots replace teachers at 21 schools in South Korea.  All this plus more in this week’s episode.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/64