Tag: Sci-Fi

  • Episode 100: Gizmodo.com is a Douchebag

    The Department of Homeland Security detains a software developer because of his product.  A Sci-Fi staple is no more.  North Korea figures out a cunning way to distribute malware.  Gizmodo wants you to do their dirty work for them.  A cross platform HTML5 game has finally been released.  Steam to be released on Linux this year.  Who will history remember – Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?  Plus, this week’s Epic Fail and Oh Asia, Your So Crazy!

    Show notes available at” http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/100

  • Episode 96: Give Me Your Sweet Candy

    Play Frogger with real traffic and fake frogs.  DirecTV pulls a bonehead move and locks out a lot of their customers from their content.  Assassin’s Creed may have blatantly ripped off it’s content.  A bicyclist uses GPS to create meta art.  Man gets arrested for going through TSA checkpoint naked.  A group in the U.K. try to make coding more accessible to kids.  All this and this weeks Epic Fail, Oh Asia You So Crazy, and Ryder Says Things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/96