Tag: SNL

  • Episode 88: Erlenmeyer Flask Shaped Dinosaur Dong

    HUD glasses, self-sanitizing water bottles, and 3D robot dinosaurs, oh my! We discuss these topics, plus is there a Kickstarter for Porn? All this, plus this week’s Epic Fail, Oh Asia You So Crazy, a Recent Study, and the Question of the Week makes a triumphant return!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/88

  • Episode 58: Oh Japan, You So Crazy!

    A Chinese woman was sent to a labor camp for retweeting.  We discuss a new concept stoplight.  A little grils hand is cut off and grafted to her foot to save it.  The Stuxnet virus targeted ‘high-value Iranian assets.’  Wikipedia has raised the same amount of donations in a week that it took a month to raise in 2009.  Google is preparing to launch G-Town.  All this plus the Study of the Week and the debut of “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!” and the Fail of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/58

  • Episode 42: Pumps and a Bump

    Third grader busted for Jolly Rancher possession.  A keyhole has been designed with drunk people in mind.  Turn your juice into booze in 48 hours.  RAM turns 56 this week.  Mick Jagger talks about downloading and piracy.  Canadian Club resparks a 20 year old marketing campaign which is a worldwide treasure hunt for cases of their whiskey.  That and the Study of the Week, the Fark Headline of the Week, and this week’s Off-Air Discussion.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/42