Tag: Sony

  • Episode 127: Grand Theft Sock

    Wikipedia editors take down meticulously researched and cited article about the 17th century Dutch-Indian war known as the “Bicholim Conflict” after discovering it never actually happened. French ISP Free updates its DSL modems with an ad blocker that’s enabled by default. Sony Releases Major Album Solely To Extend Copyright Protection.  Politician holds a gun buy-back program to enhance his collection.  Inception: a tool for compromising the slumber of computers with full-disk encryption.  Google adds ‘free for print subscriber’ option to Play Store magazines.  Father Hires In-Game “Hitmen” To Deter Son From Playing.  All that, plus this week’s “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/127

  • Episode 55: Happy Rumpaween

    Foursquare offers a NASA badge for astronauts who check into “Space.”  The hacker behind the Xbox 360 jailbreak is being prosecuted for his hack.  Sony officially retires the Walkman.  A new Firefox extension has been released that allows you to sidejack website sessions to websites like Facebook and Twitter.  NYPD officers are sent on a field trip.  The Darth Vader costume from Empire Strikes back is on sale.  Mount Everest gets a 3G network.  All this and more!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/55

  • Episode 27: Super Podcast

    Sony puts a quad-SSD RAID 0 in a laptop.  We discuss Conan O’Brien’s last episode on NBC.  Microsoft confirms a 17 year old Windows vulnerability.  The Nexus One censors your voice-to-text input.  Spike Jonze released a short film about robot love.  Garmin Voice Studio lets you create custom voices for your GPS device.  Star Wars Galaxies shuts down 12 servers.  All this and the Fark Headline of the Week and the Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/27

  • Episode 22: Dagobam

    “Unfriend” was declared the Word of the Year.  We discuss online backups.  Astronauts sneak a turkey onto the ISS.  Dagobah isn’t a system for droids or pussies.  Justin Bieber was jailed for refusing to use Twitter.  Comcast’s TV Everywhere service will be available for free for subscribers.  The British Royal Navy uses the Sony PSP as a study aid.  All this plus the Fark Headline of the Week and the Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/22

  • Episode 12: The Joe Montana of Episodes

    Brooklynites have redefined the phrase “dumpster diving.”  Sony creates the all too literal Virtual Library for eBooks.  We discuss why linux notebook battery life still sucks.  Police try to trick hackers in New Zealand with hilarious results.  San Francisco has opened its data through datasf.org.  Also in SF, someone set up a life size Candyland.  Papa John Schnatter opens up a pizza giveaway to try to hunt down his high school camaro.  NMU, a university near our alma mater, has teamed up with Motorola to present WiMAX to its students.  We also discuss adult temper tantrums and McDonald’s new campaign to appeal to black people.  All this plus the Fark Headline of the Week and Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/12