Tag: Steve Jobs

  • Episode 100: Gizmodo.com is a Douchebag

    The Department of Homeland Security detains a software developer because of his product.  A Sci-Fi staple is no more.  North Korea figures out a cunning way to distribute malware.  Gizmodo wants you to do their dirty work for them.  A cross platform HTML5 game has finally been released.  Steam to be released on Linux this year.  Who will history remember – Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?  Plus, this week’s Epic Fail and Oh Asia, Your So Crazy!

    Show notes available at” http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/100

  • Episode 87: Super Secret Breakfast Bacon Hut

    This week cancer robots have free range of Nevada highways, Pinterest makess money, EFF fights patents, and Google+ teaches you how to cook.  A fifth grader discovers a new molecule and Steve Jobs wins an award.   Tune in to find out what this week’s “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!” is and we’re bringing back an old segment!

  • Episode 76: Never go Siri to Mouth

    Steve Jobs dead at 56.  Siri means something completely different in Japan.  PassMyWill allows you to send your passwords to your loved ones posthumously.  A theater professor’s Firefly poster deemed threatening by campus public safety.  Make your own speed vest to show motorists how fast you’re going.  Fakegirlfriend.co is a new service that will pose as your girlfriend.  Psystar loses its appeal in Apple lawsuit.  Plus, this week’s Epic Fail!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/76

  • Episode 72: Overextending the Metaphor

    We explain how to use an RJ-45 keychain amd a wall dock to never misplace your keys again.  A man uses Portal 2 as an engine to propose to his girlfriend.  Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple, nothing changes. IBM builds a data drive that can back up the entire Web 60 times.  Donnie and Mark Wahlberg plan to open Wahlburger’s Burger Joint.  Google Street View team takes on the Amazon River.  Listen in to find out the 10 scariest hacks exposed at Black Hat and Defcon.  Fox delays Hulu availability, piracy surges.  CmdrTaco resigns from Slashdot.  All this and an Epic Fail, some Science News, and an “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/72

  • Episode 28: Cool Story Bro

    Come hang out with us a BasementCast next week!  We’ll be recording live in the basement of 1201 College Ave, Houghton, MI.  See our Facebook page for details.

    Stealing Youtube videos, stealing on BitTorrent, stealing from EVERYBODY!  The iPad has been announced and we discuss why it sucks and what it could be good for.  Steve Jobs lashes out at Google.  Boxee is releasing a one-click payment platform.  Who beat out Google to be the number 1 employer in the U.S.  Meet Giant George, the 7-foot long great dane.  Infrared cameras are now being used to determined the tastiness of beef.  All this and the Fark Headline of the Week and the Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/28