Tag: tablet

  • Episode 105: The Sexy Episode

    Penny Arcade sells out.  Facebook continues plans to become the creepiest social network ever.  Digg bought for $500k.  Is the QWERTY keyboard near its end?  A Christian bookstore markets the biggest ripoff in the history of tablet computing.  AMC gives Dish network a proper slap in the face.  A member of European Parliament unintentionally leaks the emails of everybody who fought against ACTA.  Mitt Romney breaks the Facebook rules.  Plus Science News and Oh Asia, You So Crazy!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/105


  • Episode 60: Tilted Kilts and Old Maids

    A Cambridge computer has identified the most boring day in history.  A woman claims ownership of the sun.  Netflix is willing to pay $100,000 per episode for new TV.  Find out how quickly you can use up your Verizon LTE data allowance.  A new burlesque show will desecrate your childhood.  Root your Nook to turn it into a cheap Android tablet.  All this and the Fail of the Week, the Study of the Week, and this week’s “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/60

  • Episode 16: The Chuck and I

    Bend over!  Best Buy has a new plan to bilke you of your money.  New firefighter boots allow others to track them.  Pizza Hut has a deal for the lazy.  Bravo Gustavo: the new iPhone app that lets you flail around like an idiot.  French Parliament plans to mandate full disclosure regarding the use of Photoshop.  Information leaked about a new tablet project from Microsoft, and unlike other Microsoft products, this looks awesome!  Consumer-B-Gone allows you to annoy grocery shoppers.  Apple gets the okay to block third-party gadgets from syncing with iTunes.  OkCupid has analyzed over 500,000 introduction messages to figure out what works and what doesn’t.  Find out 10 dirty, little secrets about the restaurant industry.  All this plus the Question of the Week and the Fark Headline of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/16