Tag: WiFi

  • Episode 119: Sorry, Link, your Wii U is in another Hurricane

    NetFlix Caught Stealing DivX Subtiles From Finnish Pirates.  Dude open sourced his DNA!  AMBER Alerts Show Up In Google Maps Now.  Kindle user claims Amazon deleted whole library without explanation.  Yahoo Will Ignore IE 10’s “Do Not Track”.  Wikipedia Is Nearing “Completion”.  Hurricane Sandy Makes Only Person in Line for Wii U Leave.  EFF And Others Push For Open Wifi APs Everywhere.  Glow-In-The-Dark Smart Highways Coming To the Netherlands In 2013.  EFF Wants Ubuntu To Disable Online Search By Default.  Mice Genetically Engineered To Detect Explosives 500 Times Better Than Normal Mice.  Tokyo’s Super Cool Zombie Café for Halloween.

    Show notes available at http://wiki/whatstherumpuspodcast.com/119

  • Episode 98: All Hail Techno Viking!

    Hulu is designing a new model that will require you to already be a cable subscriber to view their content.  Seattle’s first SUpervillain threatens Seattle’s existing superhero population.  Microsoft dropping DVD/Blu-ray support for Windows 8.  NY Judge rules that IP addresses are not sufficient evidence to identify copyright infringers.  A new smartphone app allows you to register a complaint against the TSA as soon as it happens.  A bug in new Samsung TVs causes them to restart in an endless loop.  A Mexican ad company deploys a machine that trades dog droppings for free WiFi.  The Listserve is a new mailing list where one subscriber per day is randomly selected to send a personal essay to the list each day. Symantec says religious websites are more prone to malware insertion than porn sites.  Venus will make a once-in-a-lifetime appearance next month.  All this plus an Epic Fail, Recent Study, Dumbass Apple News, and Oh Asia You So Crazy!  Plus Ryder says things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/98

  • Episode 91: Back to Our Pimpin Ways

    The FBI can’t crack Android’s Pattern Lock. The Sanford Airport says no to the TSA. March Madness will be streamed to all of the Internet. Encyclopedia Britannica ceases production of encyclopedias. People are sending money to the RIAA and MPAA in droves, listen in to find out why. Homeless people in Austin, TX have become 4G hotspots for SXSW. Is your ISP spying on you? If they aren’t they will soon start! All this, and a Recent Study, a couple of Epic Fails, and an Oh Asia, You So Crazy!  Plus, Ryder says Things!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/91

  • Episode 90: We Have a PhD in Plundering

    LulzSecs leader has been arrested, is this the end for the notorious group?  More and more employers and colleges are demanding you give them your Facebook password.  Reddit forms a PAC to oust Lamar Smith from office, and Mediawiki transfers all their domains away from GoDaddy.  Crowdfunding insvestors is moving closer to Congressional approval.  Warner has a “quick and easy” way for you to rip your DVDs into DRMed digital media that is neither quick nor easy.  NBC will livestream the 2012 Olympics in its entirity for free.  MIT offers a certificate in piracy.  The U.S. government deems that if your domain is a .com, they have jurisdiction to seize it.  The Washington Post hires CmdrTaco of Slashdot fame.  Flying swarms of robots may start to provide WiFi to protestors and activists.  All this, plus a Recent Study, this week’s “Oh Asia, You So Crazy!”, and another installment of Ryder Says Things.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/90

  • Episode 55: Happy Rumpaween

    Foursquare offers a NASA badge for astronauts who check into “Space.”  The hacker behind the Xbox 360 jailbreak is being prosecuted for his hack.  Sony officially retires the Walkman.  A new Firefox extension has been released that allows you to sidejack website sessions to websites like Facebook and Twitter.  NYPD officers are sent on a field trip.  The Darth Vader costume from Empire Strikes back is on sale.  Mount Everest gets a 3G network.  All this and more!

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/55

  • Episode 32: Ramp Down the Jackassery

    Ole Miss students choose Admiral Ackbar as their mascot.  Denny’s invites you to follow a random Taiwanese man.  Ubisoft deters hackers from stealing Assassin’s Creed 2 by making the game unplayable.  A illustrated bible represented with Legos.  Some colleges have begun accepting YouTube videos as part of the application process.  All this plus the Fark Headline of the Week and the Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/32

  • Episode 31: I Love Episode 31, It’s So Bad

    Jack Thompson’s up to his wacky shennanigans again!  This time he attacks Activision’s CEO for a speech he made.  We find out whether you can charge an iPhone with oranges or not.  A company has developed a way to identify a user strictly by their typing cadence.  Because of Toyota’s epic fubar and recall, you can now find fun commemorative products poking fun at Toyota – like the TiRD mug.  Can a pickle be more popular than Nickelback?  This year marks the 20th anniversary of Photoshop.  We show you hot to escape the clutches of Google.  All this, plus the Question of the Week and the Fark Headline of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/31

  • Episode 21: 21 Rump Street

    Michigan Tech makes up stupid words.  A british man has a bionic, remote-controlled bum.  Photochromic contact lenses are soon to be publicly available.  AXE’s new “Night & Day” ad lets you see a lady in her undergarments with your phone, but only after 9pm.  A teen has been cleared from criminal charges because of a Facebook status.  Shit My Dad says goes from Twitter account to TV show.  Jailbroken iPhone users get Rickrolled through security exploit.  MPAA shuts down an entire town’s municipal WiFi over a single download.  Netflix may start delaying the release of movies by a full month from their release date.  All this plus Dumbass Apple News, Fark Headline of the Week, and Question of the Week.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/21

  • Episode 2: Cell Phones and a Caduceous

    Flying Robots!  iPhone Hating Japan!  Icy Hot Stuntaz!  @shawnp0wers!  This week we discuss the hot topics in the news.  Also Best Buy buys Circuit City, Flexible Touch Screen e-Paper, BMW makes a computer, Quake Live opens their beta, and a printer that hippies will love.

    Show notes available at http://wiki.whatstherumpuspodcast.com/2